ROS Rollentechnik Conveyor technology for the furniture and wood…
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Con­vey­or technology for the wood industry 

For com­pet­i­tive rea­sons, every mod­ern indus­tri­al com­pa­ny faces the chal­lenge of tak­ing mea­sures to ratio­nal­ize and auto­mate. As such, it often hap­pens that var­i­ous parts and indi­vid­ual com­po­nents have to be con­veyed over long dis­tances both in a lin­ear direc­tion as well as along curved sec­tions. This is where rollers play a very use­ful role in all kinds of designs and sur­face coat­ings. If it is nec­es­sary to con­vey along curved sec­tions, this is pos­si­ble for vir­tu­al­ly any desired curve radius by using tapered rollers.

Spe­cial fea­tures of con­vey­or tech­nol­o­gy in fur­ni­ture production

Large cor­po­ra­tions, which are involved in the man­u­fac­tur­ing of machin­ery for wood pro­cess­ing to pro­duce fur­ni­ture of all kinds, often work for glob­al­ly based cus­tomers. Their wood pro­cess­ing machines, which also require feed­ers with rollers to work prop­er­ly, are sold world­wide. With these wood pro­cess­ing machines, trou­ble-free feed­ing of the wood parts to be con­veyed using suit­able rollers is essen­tial. The rollers not only have to sat­is­fy the required high-per­for­mance pro­duc­tion suf­fi­cient­ly, but are also sub­ject to high­er rota­tion­al speeds. The short pro­cess­ing times for the wood parts require high cut­ting speeds, which are asso­ci­at­ed with rapid feed move­ments through the rollers. The rollers also have to func­tion trou­ble-free even in tough con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion for longer periods.

The par­tic­u­lar chal­lenge with appli­ca­tions of this kind is in the vari­ety of wood ele­ments to be processed. It often hap­pens that these wood ele­ments have sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ences in dimen­sion in terms of width and length. This means dif­fer­ent feed and dis­charge devices are required. To make mat­ters worse, the wood parts to be con­veyed often have a very smooth sur­face, which makes the con­veyed goods more sen­si­tive on the one hand, while reduc­ing the grip need­ed to con­vey it on the oth­er. All these uncer­tain­ty fac­tors have to be prop­er­ly man­aged by prop­er­ly design­ing the rollers, which often also includes a spe­cial coating.

Rollers of con­vey­or tech­nol­o­gy in the fur­ni­ture industry

Every fit­ted kitchen in homes includes a work­top and cab­i­nets of var­i­ous types with flat fit­ted sec­tions as well as var­i­ous shelves. It is quite obvi­ous that the pro­duc­tion and pro­cess­ing of these wood­en parts is a chal­lenge both for the qual­i­ty of the wood pro­cess­ing machine as well as for the car­ri­er roller feed-in to a great extent.

Some­times an exist­ing con­vey­or sys­tem has to be par­tial­ly replaced. How­ev­er, a sim­ple replace­ment of the rollers is often sufficient.

If rollers have to be replaced, rollers with plas­tic bases and pre­ci­sion deep groove ball bear­ings are often the suit­able replace­ment option. These also enable the rollers to with­stand high­er speeds thanks to their capac­i­ty to move freely. If the rollers are then cov­ered with PVC tub­ing, with the appro­pri­ate Shore hard­ness, this will ensure the con­veyed items are effec­tive­ly pro­tect­ed and con­veyed effi­cient­ly. The dri­ve for the rollers is via round belts while adjust­ing the length of the PVC tubing.

Ratio­nal and time­ly order processing

If rollers need to be replaced, for cost rea­sons we always endeav­or to choose the replace­ment ver­sion from our stan­dard range for the rel­e­vant pur­pose. This is almost always pos­si­ble, as we can access an exten­sive range of stan­dard prod­ucts for many spe­cial cas­es that occur.

We can also nor­mal­ly meet spe­cif­ic cus­tomer requests after replac­ing rollers very prompt­ly and at short notice. Often only a short test run is required under oper­a­tional conditions.

We do not pro­vide ser­vice con­tracts for the main­te­nance of con­vey­or equip­ment, as the con­vey­or rollers should be regard­ed as an ele­ment sub­ject to wear and tear. In return, we offer our cus­tomers con­tracts to secure vol­ume sup­plies of rollers. This means that in any case short-term replace­ment of rollers is pos­si­ble in the event of any dis­rup­tions that may occur.

Our cus­tomer appre­ci­ate our prod­ucts very much, as our high-per­for­mance rollers make a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion to increas­ing their effi­cien­cy. Also, our cus­tomers do not have to replace their entire sys­tem, which is asso­ci­at­ed with a low­er cost for them. We sup­ply our cus­tomers with our high-per­for­mance rollers in the opti­mum size for their par­tic­u­lar sys­tem. We take on the con­struc­tion and devel­op­ment for them and thus ensure they will always receive high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts. We pro­vide our cus­tomers with all of our devel­op­ment poten­tial from quo­ta­tion, project man­age­ment, pro­cure­ment, and con­tract draft­ing, thus ensur­ing a reli­able and smooth oper­a­tion for our cus­tomers on site, thanks to our fixed, pre­dictable order quantities.


ROS Rol­len­Tech­nik pro­vides its cus­tomers with a com­pre­hen­sive deliv­ery ser­vice, which is backed up by our exten­sive ware­hous­ing of the most com­mon and fre­quent­ly occur­ring sizes of rollers. Our deliv­ery ser­vice includes deliv­ery sched­ules, ship­ping, and spe­cial pack­ag­ing to help avoid pos­si­ble trans­port dam­age. All our pre­ven­ta­tive mea­sures mean our cus­tomers are excep­tion­al­ly sat­is­fied with us, as we always endeav­or to com­plete­ly avoid pro­duc­tion loss­es due to machine down­times or at least to reduce them to a man­age­able min­i­mum. Our opti­mum ser­vice and reli­a­bil­i­ty guar­an­tee our cus­tomers a low rate of loss­es due to unnec­es­sary pro­duc­tion downtimes.