ROS Rollentechnik Intra-Logistics
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Con­vey­or technology for intralogistics 

Intral­o­gis­tics, a neces­si­ty for any mod­ern company

Every mod­ern com­pa­ny has to arrange its inter­nal trans­port pro­ce­dures in rela­tion to mate­r­i­al and goods move­ments in a way that is as ratio­nal and least time-con­sum­ing as pos­si­ble. This is absolute­ly essen­tial for com­pet­i­tive rea­sons alone. One prob­lem-solv­ing tool with intral­o­gis­tics is the use of con­vey­or belts with rollers. With rollers the use of both lin­ear as well as curved sec­tions is pos­si­ble. To move items along a curved sec­tion, tapered rollers are used, with which the curve radii can be var­ied with­in cer­tain limits.

ROS Rol­len­Tech­nik con­sid­ers its prod­ucts to be sub­ject to wear and tear. This is why we do not offer our cus­tomers any ser­vice con­tracts to main­tain our rollers. As an equiv­a­lent, we offer our cus­tomers pre­ven­ta­tive ware­hous­ing con­tracts for rollers in any quan­ti­ty required. This ensures the cus­tomer a cer­tain min­i­mum quan­ti­ty of new rollers as a replace­ment at our ware­house and guar­an­tees trou­ble-free pro­duc­tion. Any replace­ment required for a defec­tive car­ri­er roller is there­fore pos­si­ble at any time and even at short notice.

At the begin­ning of a busi­ness rela­tion­ship we offer any poten­tial new cus­tomer the option of test­ing a car­ri­er roller suit­able for his needs, an exam­ple of which we pro­vide. He can then inte­grate this car­ri­er roller in his exist­ing con­vey­or set­up, with­out hav­ing to replace the entire con­vey­or system.

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Visit us from 11. Mar bis 13. Mar at the LogiMAT in Stuttgart.

Halle 1, Stand C38