ROS Rollentechnik Resilient conveyor technology for the stone industry
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Con­vey­or technology for the stone industry 

The stone indus­try plays a major role in any mod­ern indus­tri­al soci­ety. You can find its prod­ucts in pri­vate and pub­lic areas. Every paved court­yard in front of pri­vate hous­es or pub­lic build­ings, every paved side­walk is a reminder of our need for the stone indus­try. The pro­cess­ing of stone of all kinds, espe­cial­ly of mar­ble, is a great chal­lenge to the pro­cess­ing machines required, such as saw tables or high-per­for­mance bridge saws and their input devices. Over­all, the stone indus­try is also insep­a­ra­ble from com­pre­hen­sive con­vey­or tech­nol­o­gy, which also includes the use of con­vey­or and rollers. Not least, we should also men­tion the over­all min­ing sec­tor, which sets the high­est stan­dards for the qual­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty of con­vey­ors and all the rollers they have installed in them.

Prod­ucts of the stone indus­try and their pro­duc­tion problems

Our cus­tomer, a man­u­fac­tur­er of saw tables for the stone and wood indus­try, attach­es great impor­tance to the use of heavy-duty and low-wear poly­di­rec­tion­al rollers. His cus­tomer process­es stone and wood pan­els in heavy ver­sions, which are cut to size on the saw table. When deal­ing with hard stone or wood on saw tables, a lot of dust is pro­duced. The par­tic­u­lar chal­lenge in this project was not only to tack­le the devel­op­ment of dust and dirt but also to achieve a smooth sur­face, as is desired when work­ing with mar­ble. In addi­tion to clean­ing, the sup­ply of water required to clean the mar­ble also caus­es the ambi­ent air to be pol­lut­ed with dirt particles.

Con­vey­or tech­nol­o­gy for the stone industry

When exe­cut­ing this order, an exist­ing con­vey­ing sys­tem was com­plete­ly renewed and fit­ted with a replace­able roller feed of poly­di­rec­tion­al rollers. To process wood, poly­di­rec­tion­al rollers of type ARS80.0, with hous­ing and bar­rels made of polyamide (PA) were used. To cut the mar­ble slabs we chose to install poly­di­rec­tion­al rollers of type ARS80.1, with hous­ing of polyamide and bar­rels of polyurethane (PUR). The two types used have a diam­e­ter of 80 mm and a max­i­mum load capac­i­ty of 40 daN per poly­di­rec­tion­al rollers.

Despite the con­sid­er­able demands made on the con­vey­or rollers, we were able to use prod­ucts from our stan­dard range. Sim­i­lar­ly, we were able to com­plete the entire con­ver­sion job imme­di­ate­ly and with­out major delays, after the request­ed details were explained and coor­di­nat­ed by the tech­ni­cal department.


Poten­tial new cus­tomers are hap­py to choose ROS Rol­len­Tech­nik prod­ucts, after we pro­vide them with a test roller. They can then do a test run with­out a com­plete replace­ment of their con­vey­or sys­tem being nec­es­sary. Cus­tomers are impressed by the high qual­i­ty of our poly­di­rec­tion­al rollers, when they real­ize how their effi­cien­cy and pro­duc­tion per­for­mance are increased. Our cus­tomers attach great impor­tance to a reli­able sup­pli­er, who is able to pro­duce and sup­ply even spe­cial ver­sions with­in spec­i­fied deliv­ery times.

ROS Rol­len­Tech­nik does not con­clude any ser­vice agree­ments with its cus­tomers for main­te­nance of our rollers. For us, these rollers, and they include the poly­di­rec­tion­al rollers in this project, are con­sid­ered parts sub­ject to wear and tear. In return, we offer our cus­tomers con­tracts for pre­ven­ta­tive ware­hous­ing and assured sup­ply, in order to pro­vide them with suf­fi­cient replace­ments for poly­di­rec­tion­al rollers in any request­ed quan­ti­ty. As such, we give the cus­tomer the pos­si­bil­i­ty to exchange defec­tive poly­di­rec­tion­al rollers for new ones at short notice. As such, you can avoid unnec­es­sary pro­duc­tion loss­es due to down­times because of defec­tive rollers.

We pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive per­for­mance, which includes quo­ta­tion, project man­age­ment, pro­cure­ment, a pre­ven­ta­tive ware­hous­ing con­tract with fixed quan­ti­ties and deliv­ery times for replace­ment rollers or poly­di­rec­tion­al rollers. In addi­tion, we cre­ate deliv­ery pro­grams, coor­di­nate these with for­ward­ing agents and pro­vide our prod­ucts to be deliv­ered with spe­cial pack­ag­ing to avoid dam­age in tran­sit. All these ser­vices strength­en the trust and good will of our cus­tomers in both the qual­i­ty of our prod­ucts as well as in us our­selves as a supplier.

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Visit us from 11. Mar bis 13. Mar at the LogiMAT in Stuttgart.

Halle 1, Stand C38