ROS Rollentechnik Series RL 28
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Roller rail Series RL 28

    The rolls are made of high qual­i­ty ther­mo­plas­tics (Polypropy­lene), impact resis­tant and break-proof. The mate­r­i­al is acid and base resis­tant and does not absorb humid­i­ty. The rolls can be eas­i­ly exchanged. The roller edge with steel axle is designed for easy trav­el­ing and low noise mate­r­i­al flow. This edge is a sol­id, vari­able and eco­nom­ic solu­tion for dif­fer­ent logis­tic ranges of application. 

    Edge Material

    Polished, galvanized profiled steel sheet with round edges, warp resistan


    with standard rollers
    with wheel flange rollers


    Upon customer’s request (max. 6500 mm)


    33, 50, 66, 83, 100 mm ...

    The divisions stated in the catalog are only approximate. The exact hole matrix of the roller edge is 16,667 mm ± 0,1 mm. Please state the desired division in your order and observe the stated tolerances.

    If no special tolerance (T1) is ordered, the roller edges are always assembled to make sure that no roller stands out from the edge. However, the roller commencement varies by the roller division. If the commencement should be at a precisely specified dimension, additional cutting costs will be charged.

    If the roller commencement (T1) (center of axle) shall be precisely specified , this dimension can only be observed on this side. For the other side only a dimensions can be indicated that matures according to the length of the roller edge with the to-lerances of the hole divisions (max. up to ± 8,5 mm).

    Load of the rollers (Bearing Steel axle)


    Load of the Roller Edge Profile

    Results from the section modulus in the main load level of 0,5 cm3. The bearing in-flu ences a very low slide friction resistance.

    Temperature Range

    –30 °C to +100 °C


    Connectors, stop devices, fitting clamps etc.

    Special Designs

    Deep freeze version from –30 °C
    with high conductive rollers (black) to avoid static loads
    Axle and profile of stainless steel
    Axle only of stainless steel

    Contact Person
    Herr Mele —  bei ROS RollenTechnik GmbH

    Herr Mele

    +49 2542 91886-107
    +49 151 11708355
    +49 2542 91886-199