ROS Rollentechnik MotionLinx Ai
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TRAPOROL Controller MotionLinx Ai Ansicht 1

Controller MotionLinx Ai

  • IP54

Motion­Linx Ai is Pulse Roller´s Ether­CAT two zone high speed con­troller. Designed for a wide vari­ety of appli­ca­tions in con­vey­or indus­try and gen­er­al machine build­ing, it can dri­ve two Sen­er­gy Ai or two PGD Ai motors. A max­i­mum of four sen­sors can be con­nect­ed by two M8 connectors.

Due to its small foot­print, Motion­Linx Ai can be inte­grat­ed in vir­tu­al­ly all field envi­ro­ments very eas­i­ly. Shar­ing the out­er dimen­sions with Con­veyLinx Ai2, Motion­Linx Ai is per­fect for design stan­dard­iza­tion and low height instal­la­tion with pro­tec­tion rate of IP54.

Motion­Linx Ai opens the word of deter­min­is­tic high speed bus con­trol to all Pulse Roller prod­ucts – shar­ing their great ben­e­fits like Ai tech­nol­o­gy, dura­bil­i­ty and excel­lent design.


  • Two zone controller
  • Ful­ly imple­ment­ed Ether­CAT protocol
  • Con­nec­tion of 2 motors and up to 4 sensors
  • Advanced diag­nos­tic functions
  • Pro­tec­tion rate IP54

MotionLinx I/O

MotionLinx I/O

MotionLinx IO is Pulse Roller´s field I/O device for EtherCAT high speed bus systems. As the perfect addition for MotionLinx Ai, it collects up to eight inputs or eight outputs. Configuration is done based on Service Data Objects (SDO), no proprietary software is required. It integrates seamlessly into any EtherCAT installation offerin great benefits and most versatile application.

Based on the same compact footprint like MotionLinx Ai, MotionLinx IO is the ideal device for restricted space installations in conveyor and machine building applications.


  • 8 configurable I/O points
  • PNP/NPN logic conversion
  • Standard I/O pin out
  • Configuration via SDO
  • Data access via PDO
  • Sperate power supply for outputs
  • Outputs rated 400 mA continously
  • IP54, CE
Contact Person
Herr Mele —  bei ROS RollenTechnik GmbH

Herr Mele

+49 2542 91886-107
+49 151 11708355
+49 2542 91886-199